Hello guys,

I' m just a hobbyist here, but if you're ok, this is my 2 cents.

As it has already been written by many, Picolisp has already many features that are IMHO killing features:

- simplicity

- the integrated web server + client library,

- the integrated NoSQL database + the integrated Prolog

All these features give you an integrated full stack. I don't know many other  programming languages which give you such a power.

However, as someone who just do programming for himself, besides this amazing community from which I have get so many help, I have sometimes missed some full examples of Picolisp use in order to find some ideas. For example, I found examples about OODB of the "ProDevTips" blog very useful.

In the past, I have been able to do some development in R, because of the so many examples that can be easily found on any topic.

Hence I kind of agree with Alex below, for me there's nothing to add yet to Picolisp, but to the documentation or IMHO provide some more "full" examples which demonstrate the full power of our beloved Picolisp.



Le 22/02/2021 à 09:00, Alexander Burger a écrit :
On Sun, Feb 21, 2021 at 05:17:59PM +0100, bied...@gmail.com wrote:
It's 2021, Software is eating the world, people are flocking to Python and
Javascript mainly, we're swimming in machine learning and AI and serverless
and what not. In the current times, where do you see the future of Picolisp
in the years to come? What do you see as the killer feature that could help
For me, the killer feature is *simplicity*. Anybody really interested should be
able to understand all levels of the language and runtime system, being in
control and immune to temporary hypes.

Picolisp to strive and survive? What do you think is missing in the
Picolisp ecosystem?

☺/ A!ex

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