Hi Janos,
a GoBD certification would surely result in a higher "visibility" for piler, 
since quite a lot of companies are basing their business decisions on those.
But please do NOT believe that Piler needs a GoBD certification to be used in 
germany!The ministry of finance in germany does not care whether the software 
is certified, it cares about 
1. whether the software fulfills the legal requirements (i.e. to use piler for 
GoBD in germany you need to use timestamping)2. how the company USES the 
software (You need a procedural documentation)
In case of an audit, both will be checked and the auditor won't care whether 
piler is certified or not...
To prove the point: 
This is an official statement from the ministry of finance in germany, under 
heading 12 / 181 (last page) it reads:
„Zertifikate“ oder „Testate“ Dritter können bei der Auswahl eines 
Softwareproduktes dem Unternehmen als Entscheidungskriterium dienen, entfalten 
jedoch aus den in Rz. 179 genannten Gründen gegenüber der Finanzbehörde keine 
Roughly translated: 
Certificates or testimonies of third parties may be used by companies to choose 
a software, but they DO NOT have a binding effect for the ministry of finance 
because of the reasons named in Rz. 179.
In short, those certificates for GoBD compliance aren't worth the paper they're 
written on if an auditor is knocking on your door...
You must be able to show that piler is able to fulfill all GoBD Requirements. 
For a (german) "checklist" you can look those up here 15 Kriterien für 
GoBD-konforme Software | Scopevisio Ratgeber or here Neue GoBD: Ein umfassender 
I'm no expert by any means, but as far as I understand it, piler is quite 
capable of doing all that IF you use timestamping so you can prove the emails 
haven't been changed since they were timestamped/received...
Apart from the technical requirements, you will also need an "extensive" 
documentation about what exactly you are doing with your receipts/invoices/etc. 
You can even find a sample documentation to use here: GoBD - 
Verfahrensdokumentation, praxisrelevante Hilfestellungen / PSP München if you 
have no idea what to do... Make no mistake, THIS is what really matters to an 
auditor! (Well, maybe not if you use really crappy software ;-))
So unless you really want to spend several thousand euros on increasing the 
visibility/user base of piler, I would recommend you forget about purchasing a 
GoBD certificate... 

Speaking for myself, I would certainly consider throwing a bit of money into 
crowdfunding "useful" additions to piler, but for this I won't pay anything at 
all, sorry...

Kind regards,Frank

|   |    |


|   |  
GoBD - Verfahrensdokumentation, praxisrelevante Hilfestellungen / PSP München
 Von PSP / Developer: Michael Cammannn Erfahren Sie in den Fachbeiträgen zur 
Verfahrensdokumentation, wie ein Unternehmen die Vollständigkeit, Ordnung ...  
|   |




|   |  
Neue GoBD: Ein umfassender Überblick
 Von Stefan Groß VeR-Vorsitzender Stefan Groß erklärt in diesem Fachbeitrag, 
was Unternehmen über die neuen Buchführungsregeln wi...  |  |



|   |  
15 Kriterien für GoBD-konforme Software | Scopevisio Ratgeber
 Die GoBD definieren Anforderungen an elektronische Buchführung. Unsere 
Checkliste sagt Ihnen, ob Ihre Software a...  |  |



    "s...@acts.hu" <s...@acts.hu> schrieb am 20:56 Montag, 24.Juli 2017:


Dear piler users (especially the German ones at this time),

probably all of you have heard that German law mandates
that all German businesses must archive emails starting
from this year.

I've been convinced that it's worth to obtain GOBD
certification for piler to offer the choice of freedom
to German users to pick an open source email archiving product.

Unfortunately it costs huge money* even for open source
applications as well, so I thought some crowdfunding might
help getting the required amount of money.

For a successful fundraising campaign I need some helpers
from Germany to spread the word (email, social media, etc)
before the actual campaign launches, pick a crowdfunding
platform, donating the initial seed (I have a small donation
in mind, like 5 EUR or so), etc.

If you agreed and willing to help, then please drop me a line.
Perhaps I'll create a mailing list for the topic.


*: I got a quote from Audicon of 6500 EUR (not sure if any
additional costs may occur during the process)


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