> It does not have to be pilot-link. Maybe there is some other software
> doing this. Only requirement is to run under unix. I even thought about
> writing myself simple pilot application with linux part which will
> upload fies over serial/IR and save them to memory stick.

        I asked some people about this at last year's Palmsource,
specifically around borrowing code in POSE (which supports the "pseudo" VFS
api to write to these devices) in pilot-link, and I was threatened with
lawyers. They said that I am *NOT* allowed to "hijack" Palm's code in my
open source projects... and I reinforced my claim by declaring, to the
amazement of the person I spoke with (whose name escapes me, but he was
doing one of the talks) that POSE was GPL'd, as was pilot-link, and I could
use the code in pilot-link.

        In any case, in order to do this we need VFS support in pilot-link
and in libpisock. It's in the plans, since I'd love to be able to back up CF
and SD cards from the desktop with pilot-xfer and friends. If someone with
removable storage/filesystem experience wants to take point on coming up
with a good design, I'm open to ideas. jpr and I are cranking away at fixing
the userspace tools and the "protocol recipes" for per-device protocol
stacking in pilot-link's library subsystem.


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