Many big companies have come to realize that more money is made in software
then in hardware, if for no other reason then because the variables costs
are *much* less.

So when they see free development potentially replacing their software
divisions, big business cringes.

Terry Fielder
Network Engineer
Great Gulf Homes / Ashton Woods Homes

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mike
> Brodbelt
> Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 12:48 PM
> Subject: Re: (no subject)
> David A. Desrosiers wrote:
> >     I asked some people about this at last year's Palmsource,
> > specifically around borrowing code in POSE (which supports
> the "pseudo" VFS
> > api to write to these devices) in pilot-link, and I was
> threatened with
> > lawyers. They said that I am *NOT* allowed to "hijack"
> Palm's code in my
> > open source projects... and I reinforced my claim by
> declaring, to the
> > amazement of the person I spoke with (whose name escapes
> me, but he was
> > doing one of the talks) that POSE was GPL'd, as was
> pilot-link, and I could
> > use the code in pilot-link.
> Is this sort of idiocy representative of Palm's attitude? It really
> amazes me - I've owned 3 different Palm handhelds, and would not have
> bought any of them without the Linux support provided by
> pilot-link. Are
> they really so stupid that they can't see what you're doing
> adds value
> to their platform??
> Mike.
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