On Thu, 2001-11-29 at 13:48, Mike Brodbelt wrote:
> Is this sort of idiocy representative of Palm's attitude? It really 
> amazes me - I've owned 3 different Palm handhelds, and would not have 
> bought any of them without the Linux support provided by pilot-link. Are 
> they really so stupid that they can't see what you're doing adds value 
> to their platform??

I think it's safe to say that Palm has come around a lot in the last few
months -- they are starting to listen to their most important asset:
their users.  They've helped set up a set of discussion boards at
http://discussion.brighthand.com/palmhandhelds -- and I can assure you
that there are Palm employees reading them.

A discussion group for Unix Palm users probably isn't a bad idea... I'll
see about getting one added...
Ben Steeves -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]       _
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