On Sun, 6 Jan 2002, Sean Buckley wrote:

> I have made a draft of my new version of the PalmOS-HOWTO available at:
> http://www.redbug.uklinux.net/palm/index.html
> The sgml source is also available:
> http://www.redbug.uklinux.net/palm/PalmOS-HOWTO.sgml
> This is very much a rough draft, and I haven't tried to do too much at this
> stage. I've linked to other howtos, including David's IR and network
> connection howtos. I think they should probably remain in a separate
> document, but I'd be happy to take on the docbook conversion task (perhaps
> the "Advanced Palm HOWTO"?).
> Let me know what you think of the HOWTO (remembering it's a rough draft,
> but all criticism welcome).
For a rought draft, it looks quite nice to me. There are a few things I'd
suggest adding, which I'll mention to you, Sean, offline.

For general discussion, though:

--Network connections. Well, someone thinks this is important, since there
have been a few articles about using a Palm OS device with a PPP connection:
;login had an article in the July 2001 issue, & I remember seeing a web
article about this functionality (Nick Peterley on Linux Planet???). This
section probably needs fleshing out.

--Desktop applications. Two you didn't mention:

1. Ical/Syncal. Currently unsupported, but might be useful to someone
  needing Tcl/tk code for talking to a Palm OS device.

2. Wmsync. A docapp for WindowMaker/AfterStep that ``starts your
  favourite sync program for your palm(TM) PDA. It displays a small animation
  when syncing. Thatīs all." Personally, althoguh I run AS, I don't
  find it very useful, since I can launch jpilot from wharf with a
  simple text entry.

--Other software. Plucker, Angus Anslie's PalmPix decoder, & sitescooper
  need entries here. I'll be sending my submission for a sitescooper FAQ to
  Sean offline.

--History of Palm OS devices. This is perhaps more important now than it
  was before, since there are so many Palm OS devices with different levels
  of the OS & made by different manufacturers. (I remember David publishing
  a rant about a year ago about proprietary extensions Sony added to the


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