>I want to pick some brains on how I might cut
> round pieces of film? I'm using 8x10 sheets. A scalpel around a tin didn't
> work - especially in a completely dark darkroom. Here's a page where I've
> posted some photos of what I'm trying to do and the results I've received
> thus far. www.merrillphoto.com/pintoidsours.htm

Marcy, don't use the compass method nor the Logan mat cutter thingy. They
both puncture the middle of your film - In fact the Logan punctures 4 holes.
So for your circles, whether in film or on roads...

Idea #1. There is a circular die for Sculpey that is 2 1/2" round, but I
don't know if the edges are sharp enough for film. Idea #2 is getting a
metal template at a drafting supply store [or catalogue] - you can use the
pointy end of a compass and just go round-and-round until you pierce the
film through. I think I would try that way first. Idea #3 is that you go to
a school supply place in your area. They do have a sharp circular die for
materials as heavy as poster paper and that is thicker that your film. But
as to size, I don't know. Idea #4 is a real die cutter. The kind you can use
for passport photos, etc. I don't know if they are available in round
shapes, but you never know.


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