Philip: But I don't HAVE two weeks! Maybe if I inject the mold with a
hormone... or a .... or a steroid, or something? Nah. I'm going to try that
circle cutter. I called Michael's and they have it in stock. Can't make it
up there for a couple of days though. Guess we'll all have to wait in
suspense. Love, MM

Marcy Merrill

> How about this:
> * Pour agar agar in the base of the can/camera, allow
> to cool/solidify.
> * Innoculate with a mold or bacteria that dislikes
> light.
> * expose for 2 weeks (or so).
> You might need to use a mirror & pinhole arrangement
> to avoid gravity sag in the agar medium.  I'm not sure
> how you'd fix the image...
> (^: (?)
> -- pw

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