> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Marcy Merrill" <ma...@merrillphoto.com>
> > Here's a question for you buncha geniuses.
> > With my deadline being WWPD, I have gotten off my
> butt and made those
> > Pintoid Sours pinhole cameras I've been thinking
> about. After a grueling
> 10> > minutes, they were completed. I want to pick
> brains on how I might
> cut
> > round pieces of film? 

How about this:

* Pour agar agar in the base of the can/camera, allow
to cool/solidify.
* Innoculate with a mold or bacteria that dislikes
* expose for 2 weeks (or so).
You might need to use a mirror & pinhole arrangement
to avoid gravity sag in the agar medium.  I'm not sure
how you'd fix the image...

(^: (?)

-- pw

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