On  0, Andrew  Amundsen <a...@tcinternet.net> wrote:
> My inquiry is regarding how an image would look from such a
> long neg.?  The stated aperture size is f/360. Would the edges
> suffer from extreme distortion? I'm surprised that the coverage
> would even fill that length of 22cm!?
> They share no images produced with said camera so I have
> doubts, with my limited understanding of pinhole imagery, to
> how good the detail would be at the extremes?
> Anyone care to enlighten us with some expertise?
The main factor when considering coverage is focal length.  To
get an idea of how a particular FL will cover various formats,
you could make say an 8x10 a camera of the same focal length,
shoot some images, then mask off the negative size you are
considering, be it 6x6, 6x9, 6x22, 4x5, 5x7, etc.


Scott Sellers                |
scottsell...@mindspring.com  |

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