You have a great sense of humor with matter.  Even though it is a serious
offence to "steal" ideas and designs.  Keep on smiling!  They will get their's
in the end!
Have a good year.

<snip>I once met a rat from a pinhole factory of England, it's famous name is
Nxxxxxx. It stolen my design, copied our cameras. Later this rat run here
and there and stolen Barbara's 45 camera's design. It post message to many
forum to draw attention to it's site.
It join the Pinhole webrings with other name so as to get more traffic with
its site. One of the England Pinhole web-ring has kick it away. I can't
contact the large USA Pinhole Web Ring to let them know this rat is
boycotted by the whole world. Anyone know how to contact the Pinhole Web
Ring master please remind him of this rat.<snip>

It seems some of you have a BB gun in hand...hmm.......maybe a laser pointer
is needed, remember to wear a protective glass .....:-)

"Bart" "Bart", hmm...., the rat's running very fast......I need to refill my
talk to you later..........."Bart" "Bart"......



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