Hello Zernike,

Thanks for the reply.  I have great respect for you having bought 3 of your
excellent cameras.  I will do all I can to let people know that this company
has stolen your designs.  I have sent an email to the editor of Amateur
Photographer to ask why they are advertising this company.  A reader wrote
to complain a few months ago but they are still using the advert.

Are you taking legal action against this company?  I find it hard to believe
that what they are doing is legal.  They should at least credit you for
designing the cameras and pay a fee.

I am looking forward to seeing your new cameras and hope you will be able to
make them without this company copying the design.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Zernike Au" <zern...@zeroimage.com>
To: <pinhole-discussion@p at ???????>
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2003 2:50 AM
Subject: [pinhole-discussion] Pinhole Rat! Pinhole Rat!

> Thanks Steve,
> I am not lazy and my new cameras are coming. Sorry I am not intend to
> advertising.
> Just want to let you know through the tiny pinhole, we can see many
> interesting faces, scene and stories...
> I've been a product designer for nearly twenty years and my experience
> me the 622 camera got a lot of problems (imo). I will not comment on the
> camera here as I know the thief is putting his ear on the wall and
> to all you experts so as to solve the problem of their 622 camera. They
> only copy. To have a new model, they got a lot of technical problems and I
> believe they don't have the ability to solve it or they will never pay
> anything for development!!! Except "steal".
> I once met a rat from a pinhole factory of England, it's famous name is
> Nxxxxxx. It stolen my design, copied our cameras. Later this rat run here
> and there and stolen Barbara's 45 camera's design. It post message to many
> forum to draw attention to it's site.
> It join the Pinhole webrings with other name so as to get more traffic
> its site. One of the England Pinhole web-ring has kick it away. I can't
> contact the large USA Pinhole Web Ring to let them know this rat is
> boycotted by the whole world. Anyone know how to contact the Pinhole Web
> Ring master please remind him of this rat.
> It seems some of you have a BB gun in hand...hmm.......maybe a laser
> is needed, remember to wear a protective glass .....:-)
> About the Black and White photography magazine, I don't enjoy it! it seems
> they copy the name of another famous B/W photography magazine from the
> We noticed them that a company has copied our camera. Maybe now they don't
> have enough contents or any marketing news so they publish everything they
> can get!!! Or they even don't have a concept of infringement.
> We stop our business with them because their editor have wrote an article
> about our camera with improper information and negative comments (all is
> because the editor didn't read our instruction manual carefully before use
> the camera), they said that their editor have never taking pinhole
> photography before and then refuse to follow-up the case, and even refuse
> communicate with us.
> They still owe us 9 copies which is included in our advertisement order.
> They refuse to send the merchandize to us!!!
> Their publisher have block our email address but their sales continue to
> send us email and ask for order!!! What a Shame!
> What a funny world!
> "Bart" "Bart", hmm...., the rat's running very fast......I need to refill
> magazine.....
> talk to you later..........."Bart" "Bart"......
> "Bart"....;-)
> Zernike
> Steve wrote:
> > First they copied Zernike Au designs and now they are making this
> I
> > wont be buying it.  It must be hard to get 120 film to span across the
> 22cm
> > back.  I will wait and see if Zernike Au makes a new camera.  Much
> to
> > buy an original than a copy.
> >
> >
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