Pinhole size and "focal length' are very forgiving. Just go ahead and try
it. As a card carrying pinhole 'technonerd" who is attempting to reform, I
can tell you that you don't need to be so concerned about precision.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Healy" <>
To: <pinhole-discussion@p at ???????>
Sent: Friday, November 01, 2002 12:08 AM
Subject: [pinhole-discussion] pinhole size

> I bought the 12-"lens" set from Pinhole Resourses, and I've been using the
> .0102"/.259mm pinhole on my 4x5. This one's claimed optimal focal length
> supposed to be 48mm. I am using it with a recessed lensboard to a length
> about 50mm. That's the closest I can get even w/ a bag bellows.
> The results are fantastic. I love the focal length. Unfortunately, its
> fall-off is quite noticable. No vignetting, but the fall-off is about
> stops from center to edge. So I think I have to try the next one of the
> bunch, the one whose optimal focal length is reported to be 73mm. That
> like quite a jump, though.
> Before I try this at a shorter bellows length than 73mm, has anybody done
> this? Will I have problems just shooting this at, say, my 50mm (w/ bellows
> compensation)? Does their "optimal" mean "longest"? That's what the 48mm
> seems to mean, that if you go even to 50mm, you'll have fall-off. Anybody
> experience of this? If this works, should I consider ordering a 50-55mm
> pinhole to fit my 4x5? I really like the weird, extreme result from the
> short one -- it's just that the light fall-off makes cyanotypes very
> difficult to print. I'm anticipating that albumen won't work much better.
> Thoughts?
> Mike Healy
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