----- Original Message -----
From: "pete eckert"

> Guillermo,
> Thanks for your explanation. I am a bit embarrassed since I have been
> calling that photo a pin hole shot instead of a zone plate one. My
> to all.
Hi Pete,
I guess that Guillermo has provided all the information on ZonePlate vs
Pinhole.  But don't hesitate to ask for more if necessary.
In our family, my wife works with ZonePlate exclusively (when she works
lensless).  She finds that it has a lot of similarities with what she
does with Infrared photography.  I work almost exclusively with pinhole.
If you are into 4x5 photography, you might want to look into the Zero
4x5 which has a turret that provides for both pinhole and zoneplate
imaging.  It's easy to shift mode as you change the film holder for a
new image. If there was a similar turret in the Zero 2000 or the Zero
6x9, you'd have to wait until the end of the film to change mode.  The
other advantage of working 4x5 is that you can do contact prints of the
negative and get some very nice images without having to use an

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