I agree that time is one of the dimensions that I really enjoy when experiencing
the pinhole camera.  I started taking night photography last year which
has 1-30 minute exposures and that experience taught me that capturing time
and motion over time was a very different experience. 
 The pinhole/zone allow me the ability to blur time in the same way during
the daylight.

This basic insight into the fact that each cameras (type) look at the world
differently, has encouraged my wife and I to take our zoo of cameras when
we go out shooting.  One of my current experiments is to pretend that a
given camera has "likes", "dislikes", "gets confused", etc.  "Holga gets
confused when there are too many things in the background", "Zone likes
the dog laying there on the grass".  This has been quite useful in getting
an emotional language around the kinds of images these types of cameras



-- Original Message --

>> TIME!  It is all about the time of the thing...
>> Jack
>I like that.  Not that I do really long exposures, but it's true.  Even
>seconds is way more noticable than 1/125.  With all of my camera's it takes
>time to reload the film, I'm not just advancing film through a camera.
>there's more time.  When I move the camera and make blurs and streaks that
>is also like recording time.  Thanks for the concept, I guess I should
>thought of it before, but I will keep it in mind in the future and see
>it relates to my photographing.
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