TIME!  It is all about the time of the thing...

I have shot pinhole images that take anywhere from 10 seconds to one week or
two.  I can live life during those times.  I can have memories of a life
lived and experiences had during the exposure of those images.  I can
remember things that I did while the image was being created.  I cannot
remember what happened to me during 1/250th of a second.  I have no memories
and the picture happened somewhat in spite of my experiences during such a
short time.  
TIME - I have made shots that have captured the arc of the sun passing from
one side of the room to another and the movement of the light and shadows as
that arc is scribed.  I have made shots taken at night and on into the
morning where the streetlights are in the shot and the early morning sunrise
as well.  
Pinhole gives me pictures while I am otherwise living life.  I can be doing
many things and the picture machine is still making my art.  I can be
sleeping or watching a movie or teaching a class or walking on the beach or
in the woods or around a waterfall and the pinhole is recording and
recording and watching the same things that I am watching.  It is there with
me and we remember the same things because we looked at the same things
together.  And because I am recording on positive material (either Polaroid
or Cibachrome or B&W Positive paper), the very piece of paper that was in
the camera during the experience of watching and recording is also now with
me when I return home or look at the image again - it was there!
So!  There are more reasons like the lure of the high tech(cibachrome) with
the primitive(primitive) and the ease of working loosely within those
Lovely things these pinholes cameras and the artists and images that get
made - they are truly magical and a reminder that alone we do nothing!

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