----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard Heather" <rheat...@slonet.org>

> See the pinhole size calculator at Pinhole Visions: (Larry Bullis)
> http://www.???????/resources/articles/makingholes.php
> Guillermo's page:
> http://members.home.net/penate/pinsize.htm
> There are various calculations that are based on the assumption that you
> will shoot at infinity. For close up views a smaller hole will give
> sharper results.

For close up work just multiply your optimum pinhole size, obtained with any
of the formulas available out there, by the "correction factor":

Correction factor = SQRT ( O / I + O )

where O = distance pinhole lens to object being photographed
and I = distance pinhole lens to film
SQRT stands for square root of


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