Hi Bogdan.
Nice to hear from a fellow Montrealer!  I live on St-Hubert, just south of 
Duluth.  I'd be happy to get together with you for a coffee and talk about 
pinhole photography and philosophy.  Perhaps you can get in touch with me 
off-list if this is of interest to you.
Guy Glorieux
"Peace on earth to goodwill men and women"

Bogdan Karasek wrote:

> Hi,
> I guess I might as well get into the act.  I am not new to this
> list, having been a member since November 18th, 1999 but this is
> the first time you are hearing from me.  In the meantime, I have
> accumulated quite an archive of useful material from this group
> and quite the collection of pinhole photos that have been posted
> here over the years.
> I am 53 years old,  live in Montréal, Québec, Canada, teach
> philosophy and have been back to photography, darkroom and all,
> for the past five years.  I work with lenses in 35, 4.5x6, 6x6,
> 6x9, 4x5 and 8x10.  I also collect vintage cameras and lenses
> from the 1930's to 1960's.  I made my first pinhole over forty
> years ago for a science project in high school; the following
> year, we built an x-ray tube and since I was also the school
> photographer, I got to develop the 4x5 x-ray of my hand.  I still
> have it, my hand that is.  I just recently decided to get back to
> pinhole photography as a complement to a photo project I am
> working on.  As a result, I just recently acquired some pinholes
> from a fellow member of this group.  I am following with much
> interest the discussion on 4x5 pinholing since I want to use the
> pinholes on my 4x5 Crown Graphic and Kodak Empire 8x10.
> May the light be with you.
> Bogdan
> aa...@deadlettertype.com wrote:
> >
> > i'm aaron. 26. from north carolina, living in san francisco. schooled as a 
> > graphic designer. a more or less passive reader of list. not as technically 
> > minded as most here. been buiding both still and motion pinhole cameras off 
> > and on for almost ten years. also more recently into photography involving 
> > physical or chemical disruptions to the film's surface.
> >
> > which brings me to the "make your own film" question
> > tell me more! i"ve made emulsions, but how wonderful to be able to craft it 
> > all!
> >
> > >Hey Everybody,
> > >
> > >     I'm kind of new to this list, so I was just wondering who everybody 
> > > is on
> > > this list and what everybody does. I'm assuming that most of you are into
> > > pinhole photography if I'm correct. Is anybody on this list in college, 
> > > like
> > > studying photo or anything? How old is everybody and where does everybody
> > > live? Just stuff like that I guess I want to know. If you can add anything
> > > else that would be great. tah tah-jeremiah
> >
> > -------
> > aaron cruse / dead letter type
> >
> > 2555 bryant street / san francisco / california / 94110
> > 415.970.1090
> >
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> --
> __________________________________________________________________
>   Bogdan Karasek
>   Montréal, Québec            e-mail: bkara...@videotron.ca
>   Canada
> "Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muss man schweigen"
> "What we cannot speak about we must pass over in silence"
>   Ludwig Wittgenstein
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