Weird. The only experience I have ever had with a pinhole was in my high 
school photography class. We made shoebox pinholes, painted them entirely 
black inside with a small hole about the size of a pencil hole on the 
opposite side of the RC based paper. For a shutter we just covered the hole 
with a paper and tape and just lifted it up for about a 10 to 20 sec exposure 
and then closed it. We then developed the paper. My first pinhole image 
turned out pretty good but it didn't have a lot of contrast to it. From what 
I'm hearing it sounds like you guys have more technological forms of a 
pinhole camera like actually using film in it. I guess that is another way to 
do it. I'm sort of clueless as to make one. The words you guys use are 
somewhat unfamiliar to me like pinhole/zone photography . I'm assuming that 
4x5 is a large format camera? How do you make a good pinhole camera? What do 
you guys use? Thanks..

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