----- Original Message -----
From: "Guy Glorieux" <guy.glori...@sympatico.ca>

> > If you are not extremely "handy", the best is to buy the actual backs of
> > cameras.  In the past and at photo fairs I have purchased an 8x10 metal
> > w/o GG for $5 and very recently a 5x7 metal back with GG for $10
> Hmmmmm.....   This must have been some years ago.  Or you have been
> lucky, Guillermo.  It seems that on eBay, these things sell for something
> like US$100.

The 8x10 I bought 6 years ago, I payed $10 Canadian and included a well used
but light tight 8x10 film holder!  I think that could qualify as my best
bargain-purchase ever!!    The 5x7 I bought in January/2001 is not that far
though.  I asked how much and the guy said: I don't know, my uncle is the
owner and he just left for a moment, pls comeback.  I came back twice more
and the uncle still wasn't there, I cameback the last time before leaving
the photo fair and still no uncle but this time there was a price tag fot
the 5x7 back, the guy said "the price is $20 CDN", I was absolutely
surpriced, I was willing to pay up to $80.  I said to the guy I'll give you
$15 CDN and to my delight he answered: "DEAL".
BTW, the same day I bought an 11x14 back! unfortunatelly the guy I bought
the 8x10 from 6 years ago, had purchased the two 11x14 holders the seller
had, he told he payed $90CDN each!!.

> I do have an 8x10 back that looks vey much like the one you show.  It is
> installed on a homemade pinhole box in wood.  Looks really nice.  I like
the way
> you use a washer as a focussing tool before putting on the real pinhole or
> zoneplate.  I will most likely do something similar to my camera.  8x10
film is
> not cheap and it's really nice to be able to frame your image before

In case it was not obvious, I glued a square flat magnet at the back of the
camera, the metal washer is then magnetically held in place, centered on the
hole or right at one corner of the square.  With the pinhole, you just glue
it to another smaller piece of flat magnetic material that you place on top
of the hole and held magnetically in place -of course-.

> What I find difficult is to fit a nut securely on the camera to connect to
> screw on a tripod.  Have you found a good way to handle that?

Go to your nearest home improvement center and buy "T" nuts, this is what
they look like:
If you can't find them, I could buy some I send them to you.


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