----- Original Message -----
From: "Colin Talcroft" <ctalcr...@yahoo.com>

> What exactly do you mean by "metal frame hardware
> kits"?

I think it is:
The spring you insert at the back of a aluminum frame and  used to keep the
mat/picture pressed against the glass of the frame.

> It would be great to have a
> reliable way to create a device for the back ends with
> the usual sort of spring mechanism that holds a
> Polaroid film holder (or the adapters that allow a 4x5
> camera to take 120 film--mine is made by Horseman) and
> then reliably attach it to front ends made of wood or
> cardboard or plastic or whatever interesting stuff is
> at hand.
> Does anyone have any ideas? I wonder if my question is
> comprehensible.

If you are not extremely "handy", the best is to buy the actual backs of
cameras.  In the past and at photo fairs I have purchased an 8x10 metal back
w/o GG for $5 and very recently a 5x7 metal back with GG for $10
This is the 8x10 back:
This is the wooden box a friend made for me:
This is how back and box looks when together:
minus GG it looks like this:
This is the plastic GG together with a plastic fresnel on top:
And finally this is the front that accept regular 67mm filters:
That pinhole (a washer actually) is my viewing "lens"!!  I compose the image
using it and then place the actual taking lens pinhole before I make the
BTW, before my friend made the wooden box for me, I used to just duct tape
the back at the back of card board boxes.

As for the 5x7 back, I just bought some film holders for it and will be
making a box to attach it to.

4x5 (like this
http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1226405490 ) and 5x7
backs are seen frequently at eBay.  Usually you see 4x5 and 5x7 reduccion
backs for 8x10 cameras.  Another type of back you see from time to time at
eBay are graflok backs from Graphic cameras, those can be used with your
Horseman roll adapter, I think.

> To give one example, I have a small wooden front end
> that I love (Tina, this is the camera I used for the
> Sebastopol interiors), but use it less than I would
> like to because I have so much trouble securing it to
> a back end.

What kind of back end do you have:

> I'd love to be able to just pop
> holders onto the back of this thing. Here is a picture
> of the front end, if anyone cares to look. You can se
> the weather stripping at the bottom.

Nice looking front end Colin!
It looks as if the back is just a flat piece of wood with a rectangular
opening.  In any case, you should be able to construct something similar to
what Bender does at the back of the Pinhole Camera Kit he sells, take a look
here: http://www.benderphoto.com/pinkitr.htm  As you can see, it is nothing
fancy and the spring action of the wire should keep the holder securely in
place.  A much less fancy approach would be to substitute that spring wire
with a rubber band.

Another idea would be to buy a inexpensive (compared to a Horseman) Graphic
23 or 22 roll adapter and glue it with epoxy at the back of a pinhole


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