Chris Peregoy wrote:
> If it seems to be no "rhyme or reason" then I would look to possible other
> mishaps. Film will respond to light in a consistent manner.

One would think. 

Is there a
> problem with your Minolta shutter? Could there be a light leak in you
> gaffer tape tube. Or is there light reflecting off the inside of the tube.

As a matter of fact I had just come back to the computer to report that
I think I've figured it out. After I wrote and sent the sentence about
no logical function between exposure times and negative density, it
occurred to me that that sounds like a shutter malfunction, because
after all film does respond to light in a consistent fashion if the laws
of physics are still in place.  And after THAT I suddenly remembered
that the reason that camera was replaced, many years ago, was because it
had a bad shutter. Which just shows two things: (1) the laws of physics
still rule, and (2) one doesn't do one's best thinking when racing a
deadline. Thanks, Chris, for the thoughtful suggestions. 

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