To quote "Drew Northup" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# If you (they?) don't like the video BIOS license, then write a new
# one--please (it would help us in implementing 3D acceleration anyway).
# Also, according to the law (at least in the US), it is not up to the
# group to enforce the Elpin VGA BIOS license (or any other 3rd party
# for that matter)--they just can't violate it.  If it was up to the
# distributor to enforce license agreements then all forms of 3rd party
# distribution would be impossible--no if's, and's, or but's.

The license issue probably isn't one of technicality - I have a feeling
it's more along ethical lines. And you can't blame them. I know a number
of people who don't use non-Free software. Myself included :)


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