Willow Schlanger wrote:
> Hey, I have a VGA BIOS of my own. If I  give you guys the source code,
> to  use in Plex, will it go under LGPL? I'd much rather put it under
> GPL. It is approximately equivelent to that elpin BIOS, but it's written
> to be compatible only with S/VGA architectures; elpin's probably
> supports dual monitor support including EGA etc. like what most BIOSes
> support. Mine doesn't support that shit because I don't have dual
> monitors. Here's what I'm going to do: e-mail me if it is OK to have it
> under GPL rather than LGPL. Will that require changing all of plex to
> GPL? Is it OK with you guys? What I don't want, is I don't want
> companies like VMWare to use my work. If someone wants to use my work,
> I'd like it under GPL so that people can get the source code. It's
> written in assembly language and is well commented and is 100%
> compatible including 320x400-256 (which can be done via the BIOS if you
> set a bit in low memory), and it has a VESA STUB (it appears to be
> compatible with VESA 1.0 to programs that inquire, but for the modes it
> supports, all it provides are the standard VGA modes.)

Well, the debian folks will bow in your direction every day.

Since the VGA BIOS is a separate binary, I can't think of any
reasons it needs to be LGPL.  Seems like GPL is OK.  Anyone else?

Wait a small period for others to comment.  Once this is
resolved, you could either send me a tarball or upload
it to the 'net, and send URL.

I will then add it to CVS.

> After you guys figure out the GPL/LGPL thing we can add SVGA support
> (VESA 2.0, and I'm thinking of writing an S3 emulator in C to use with
> bochs). I compiled plex once, but I had to do it under Linux, and I had
> the most difficult time. The configure script I got from CVS had char 13
> and char 10 for each new line, and my version of Linux Mandrake 's make
> script refused to accept those, so I had to write a program to turn
> 13,10 characters to just 13 (or was it just 10?) Then I could run make
> no problem. When I got it to work, I was impressed that it worked, but I
> wrote a program that did this (in "real" mode):

Sounds like returns got translated.  Did you CVS download on a Windows
machine, then ship the source to Linux?  You are the first to ever
have this happen so I'm guessing it's you.

> 0100 mov cx,ffff
> 0103 nop
> 0104 loop 0103

I responded to your original email.  I'm not sure what's happening.
Usually the SBE code will translate this to native.  I'd look at
it further, but I'm focusing on the lightweight dynamic translation
stuff now.


Kevin Lawton                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MandrakeSoft, Inc.                  Plex86 developer
http://www.linux-mandrake.com/      http://www.plex86.org/

Hopkins' Law: no clever idea in computer architecture ever goes unpunished.

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