I'll think this one over a couple of days, but it looks good to me.

On Tue, 9 Apr 2002, Dr. Yasha Karant wrote:

> 1.  Under the Intellectual Property guidelines of CSUSB, the University
> owns nothing of academic work, including work done as part of research,
> student projects, independent studies, or class work.  The Intellectual
> Property remains that of the originators:  faculty and students.
> 2.  Working with the community is no problem, although as with all voluntary
> projects, there is no guarantee of continuity.  Once we have something
> operational (fully operational) per an SRS (or the equivalent), future
> development and maintenance may return to the "community".
> 3.  I am assuming that "ownership" is under the GPL or equivalent, as
> Plex86 is *NOT* a for-profit venture (unlike VMWare).
> 4.  Any innovative algorithms would be presented, along with implementations.
> Do the above satisfy you, or do you want to continue with the status quo,
> without even the resources of entities such as the FSF?
> I am *NOT* a student, and I have been doing kernel internals "professionally"
> starting in grad school.  I also would attempt to "clean up" the design
> and documentation to follow some semblance of software engineering
> principles.  I am a practitioner, not a theorist.
> > I like the idea on pedagogical grounds, but unless some _very_strict_
> > guidelines are followed, we will have to continue to decline.  
> > 
> > First off, this is a live project--so your students would need to work as
> > closely with this community as with you.  
> > 
> > Second, we'd need to make sure that Cal State San Bernadino waves it's
> > claim to ownership on any work that a student does for a class--as they
> > could try to shut us down based on that if your students contribute as
> > part of a class.  This is a real problem and cannot be ignored.
> > 
> > There are other issues, and if you'd like to discuss the idea further, I'd
> > be willing the think it over--but I'm not going to let anything threaten
> > the independence of this project.
> > 
> > Also, it should be noted that:
> > 
> > I'm a student myself, and I do this because I like it, in my own free
> > time--and would not feel compelled to do the
> > _extreemely_high_quality_work_ that I am willing to demand here if it were
> > for a class.
> > 
> > There is nothing wrong with a group of students & professors joining this
> > project in a manner independent of Cal State--so long as it is understood
> > that this is the case (and therefore the school owns none of it).  There
> > is obviously more to this than it sounds, and I will tell you now that it
> > behooves you to find out what else may apply in your situation before you
> > get yourself into trouble like one of the folks over at PerlMonks did.
> > 
> > 
> > On Tue, 9 Apr 2002, Dr. Yasha Karant wrote:
> > 
> > > Joaquim,
> > > 
> > > I discussed the option below during the BOCHS era but was declined.
> > > 
> > > A number of faculty in the CS community can organize student projects
> > > to "finish" Plex86.  There are a variety of pedagogical justifications
> > > for the work.
> > > 
> > > The practical impetus to do this is not as great as it once was due to
> > > VMWare.  I realize that VMWare is a very much overpriced product, and
> > > that VMWare came about as a university faculty spin-off (from Stanford).
> > > 
> > > Would the Plex86 community be willing to permit this to happen?  The
> > > work would result in both internal publications/presentations at
> > > the participating departments and probably some submissions to regular
> > > journals/conferences.   Moreover, we would attempt to make the basic
> > > design (not the details of the implementation) portable to IA-64 because
> > > that will be the next great push of the monopoly, after .NET .
> > > 
> > > Thoughts?
> > > 
> > > Yasha Karant
> > > 
> > > > 
> > > > There was a time I started thinking that some Microsoft employee was
> > > > in control of this list and he was doing his best to stop plex86 development.
> > 
> > You give them too much credit.  They're too busy to bother right now
> > anyhow--you know it is hard work trying to take over the free world.
> > 
> > > > 
> > > > We must all stop pretending to be programmers, pretending to be 
> > > > interested and pretending that we care.
> > > > 
> > > > We must find someone with spare time to work on plex86 or this project
> > > > will die.
> > 
> > I'm working on it right now.  Look at the savannah page, there is plenty
> > to do.  I'm not your mother, I'm not going to tell you what to do.  It is
> > your responsibilityto figure out how to put on your socks in the
> > morning--and it is also your responsibility to figure out what you are
> > going to do each day.  If you choose to be part of this project then do
> > so.  Write some code.  Run some tests.  Come up with new ideas, some
> > perviously overlooked documentation--you just grace us with your presence
> > from time to time.
> > 
> > > > 
> > > > It's unbelievable that we all find time to discuss and irrelevant questions 
> > > > and no one writes a single line of plex86 code.
> > > > 
> > 
> > Christophe is writing code, I'm writing code--and I'm sure that there are
> > others out there whom are capable of doing the same.  Stop complaining and
> > do something useful.  As for discussing the list, it is useful--though
> > time consuming.  If anybody knows where to find Ulrich Wigand, then tell
> > him we need to find out who supposedly maintains this list.  I'd be happy
> > to split the work with a couple of other people if he can't do it anymore.
> > 
> > > > 
> > > > Regards,
> > > > Joaquim Carvalho
> > 
> > |^^^ |  | |^^| |^^^  Drew Northup, N1XIM  |^^| |    |^^^ \  / /^^\ /^^~
> > |__  |  | |  | |                          |__| |    |___  \/  |__| |__
> >    | |  | |  | |           www.plex86.org |    |    |     /\  |  | |  \
> > ___| |__| |__| |___ web.syr.edu/~suoc/    |    |___ |___ /  \ __/ __/
> > 
> > 
> > 

|^^^ |  | |^^| |^^^  Drew Northup, N1XIM  |^^| |    |^^^ \  / /^^\ /^^~
|__  |  | |  | |                          |__| |    |___  \/  |__| |__
   | |  | |  | |           www.plex86.org |    |    |     /\  |  | |  \
___| |__| |__| |___ web.syr.edu/~suoc/    |    |___ |___ /  \ __/ __/

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