
On 12 March 2012 14:17, Maurits van Rees <m.van.r...@zestsoftware.nl> wrote:

> Op 10-03-12 23:15, Martin Aspeli schreef:
>  Hi,
>> Somewhat inspired by the goals of the ``plone.api`` initiative and based
>> on the experience of seeing many, many people struggle to get a "safe"
>> Plone development up and running due to problems with polluted system
>> Python interpreters, missing libraries and confusing buildouts, I have
>> created a script called ``plone-devstart.py``.
>> The idea is that you can use this to instantiate a new development
>> environment in a 'safe' way. It will perform some checks on your
>> environment to determine the likelihood of success. It then installs a
>> bunch of useful development tools, a basic deployment configuration, and
>> creates a simple (non-reusable) package where you can put your custom
>> Python code and templates.
>> For now it lives here: 
>> https://github.com/plone/**plone-devstart/<https://github.com/plone/plone-devstart/>
>> It supports Plone 4.1, though I plan to add 4.2 support shortly.
>> You can download the one file you need here:
>> https://github.com/plone/**plone-devstart/raw/master/**plone-devstart.py<https://github.com/plone/plone-devstart/raw/master/plone-devstart.py>
>> I've tested as much as I can, but if this is to work out for a broader
>> audience, we need lots of people to test. If you have a particularly
>> messed up environment, I'd like to hear about it. :)
> Thanks for creating this.
> I wanted to push a simple fix (PIL mail fail -> PIL may fail), but I have
> no write access.  Maybe something needs to be fixed since this started out
> on your own github account.


Rok, help? :-)

> The script complains about a missing jpeglib.h, but when I tell it to
> continue PIL gets compiled just fine.  Uploading a jpeg works fine too,
> including creating the extra sizes.  This is on Mac OSX 10.6.8, both with
> the standard Mac Python and with a Python from buildout.python with a
> virtualenv in front (and with PIL already installed actually).  So it does
> not include the directory containing jpeglib.h.  Not sure how that would be
> solvable in a generic way.  But anyway, PIL is working for me.
Interesting. If PIL can be compiled with JPEG support, then it should be
possible to detect that. Maybe we just need to get rid of that check and
just try to install PIL and see if it fails?

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