
On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 10:56 AM, Nathan Van Gheem <vangh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> IMO, the query just needs to change to show all 4.x compatible products
> right now. Not all authors update their products to show they're compatible
> with every version. The list of products is then pretty sparse compared to
> what is actually available.

Yes, please!  +1000

> More of problem, I've updated my products for 4.2 and listed the
> compatibility and most of them still aren't shown here.
> That whole product page has always been trouble and a marketing problem for
> plone. We need to show more and all the better products--that is definitely
> not happening right now. PloneFormGen isn't even listed!

Yes.  But that requires that someone decide what "better" is which
either requires an algorithm or ongoing human editorial effort, which
is in short supply.

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