On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 6:40 PM, David Glick (Plone)
<david.gl...@plone.org> wrote:
> On 6/1/13 8:12 AM, Luca Fabbri wrote:
>> On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 9:32 PM, Jon Stahl <jonst...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> ---
>>> On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 10:56 AM, Nathan Van Gheem <vangh...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> IMO, the query just needs to change to show all 4.x compatible products
>>>> right now. Not all authors update their products to show they're
>>>> compatible
>>>> with every version. The list of products is then pretty sparse compared
>>>> to
>>>> what is actually available.
>>> Yes, please!  +1000
>> Hi,
>> I want to revive this old discussion because Plone 4.3 now is the
>> current version; I know that some guys talked about how to change the
>> products section
>> (http://www.coactivate.org/projects/plog2013/products-party) so
>> probably try to improve the current one is a waste of time.
>> But looking at the present state the products page is still displaying
>> only Plone 4.2 compatibility and we have not way to mark releases as
>> Plone 4.3 compliant... :\
>> The Nathan's suggestion of removing the version filter (or unify under
>> "Plone 4.x" all Plone 4 releases) is probably the better choice. If we
>> simply add "Plone 4.3" release we'll see again an empty plone.org
>> products page for some weeks.
> I'm in the process of taking care of this.
> /products now has an option of "Plone 4.x" for the version. This is the
> default query, and it will include products tagged as compatible with Plone
> 4, Plone 4.1, Plone 4.2, or Plone 4.3 (which I added as an available
> option). (If you don't see this yet, it's cached and should be there soon.)
> I am working on adding the 'Plone 4.3' compatibility tag to all existing
> releases that are tagged as compatible with 4.2 and mention 4.3
> compatibility in their long_description, or that I have personally used on
> 4.3.
> Product developers, if your package is 4.3 compatible and *doesn't* mention
> that in the long_description, please update your release metadata on
> plone.org. Keep in mind that /products is cached (for an hour, IIRC?) so the
> change may take a bit to appear.
> I'm also willing to update the tags for other packages if you tell me ones
> that you can confirm are compatible with 4.3.

Great job!

A lot of good and not-so-old products are now back to life.

-- luca

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