On 6/1/13 8:12 AM, Luca Fabbri wrote:
On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 9:32 PM, Jon Stahl <jonst...@gmail.com> wrote:

On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 10:56 AM, Nathan Van Gheem <vangh...@gmail.com> wrote:
IMO, the query just needs to change to show all 4.x compatible products
right now. Not all authors update their products to show they're compatible
with every version. The list of products is then pretty sparse compared to
what is actually available.
Yes, please!  +1000


I want to revive this old discussion because Plone 4.3 now is the
current version; I know that some guys talked about how to change the
products section
(http://www.coactivate.org/projects/plog2013/products-party) so
probably try to improve the current one is a waste of time.

But looking at the present state the products page is still displaying
only Plone 4.2 compatibility and we have not way to mark releases as
Plone 4.3 compliant... :\
The Nathan's suggestion of removing the version filter (or unify under
"Plone 4.x" all Plone 4 releases) is probably the better choice. If we
simply add "Plone 4.3" release we'll see again an empty plone.org
products page for some weeks.

I'm in the process of taking care of this.

/products now has an option of "Plone 4.x" for the version. This is the default query, and it will include products tagged as compatible with Plone 4, Plone 4.1, Plone 4.2, or Plone 4.3 (which I added as an available option). (If you don't see this yet, it's cached and should be there soon.)

I am working on adding the 'Plone 4.3' compatibility tag to all existing releases that are tagged as compatible with 4.2 and mention 4.3 compatibility in their long_description, or that I have personally used on 4.3.

Product developers, if your package is 4.3 compatible and *doesn't* mention that in the long_description, please update your release metadata on plone.org. Keep in mind that /products is cached (for an hour, IIRC?) so the change may take a bit to appear.

I'm also willing to update the tags for other packages if you tell me ones that you can confirm are compatible with 4.3.

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