On 2015-02-12 07:40-0000 Arjen Markus wrote:

> Hi Alan,
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Alan W. Irwin [mailto:ir...@beluga.phys.uvic.ca]
>> Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2015 4:37 AM
>> To: Arjen Markus
>> Cc: PLplot development list
>> Subject: RE: [Plplot-devel] Propagation status for release
>> On 2015-02-11 12:09-0000 Arjen Markus wrote:
>>> Hi Alan,
>>> As promised, I have just committed my work. There are two things left to do:
>>> -        Get rid of the spurious PostScript commands in the Fortran example
>> Hi Arjen:
>> Actually those were not extra PostScript commands.  Instead, if you visually
>> compared those Tcl and Fortran results with the corresponding C result you 
>> would
>> have seen the only issue was you forgot to set the rosen variable in both 
>> the Tcl and
>> Fortran cases to false to follow what is now done for the C case.  I made 
>> that tiny fix
>> (commit
>> e674d4f7) and all is well now.

> No, when I ran the example for the three languages, I made sure that they 
> were all doing the Rosenbrock function. Odd that the sombrero function does 
> not give these extra PS commands. I will have to check that on my system.
> FYI: the extra commands look like this:
> 0.9216 0.5098 0.2784 C 1865 1033 M
> Z
> 1346 2569 A 1346 2569 D 1346 2569 D 1346 2569 D 1346 2569 D
> 1346 2569 D 1346 2569 D 1346 2569 D 1346 2569 D 1346 2569 D 1346 2569 D
> 1346 2569 D 1346 2569 D 1346 2569 D 1346 2569 D 1346 2569 D 1346 2569 D
> 1346 2569 D 1346 2569 D 1346 2569 D 1346 2569 D 1346 2569 D 1346 2569 D
> 1346 2569 D 1346 2569 D 1346 2569 D 1346 2569 D 1346 2569 D 1346 2569 D
> 1346 2569 D 1346 2569 D 1346 2569 D 1346 2569 D 1346 2569 D 1346 2569 D
> 1346 2569 D 1346 2569 D 1346 2569 D 1346 2569 D 1346 2569 D Z
> 1346 2569 A 1346 2569 D 1346 2569 D 1346 2569 D S
> 0.9216 0.7725 0.2784 C 1346 2569 M
> And they appear at what seems the start of the fifth and tenth page - the 
> sets are identical.
> (Detail: in the first line the second number differs)
> ... oops, while I look at this more closely, I see that the extra commands 
> appear in the _C_ version, not as I thought the Fortran version. Well, that 
> may make the riddle easier to solve!

For what it is worth, I don't see anything like the above pattern in
the Linux C example 8 results near the start of either page 5 or page
10 for either the Sombrero or Rosenbrock functions.

> Another question though: at some point the default function became
the Rosenbrock function, not the sombrero. I see that in older source
trees and for several languages (I did not check all of them).

Note, I said false above, i.e., the change was _from_ the Rosenbrock
function to the Sombrero function in the C version by default.  (Of
course, the C version of example 8 does have a special option -rosen
option to display the Rosenbrock function rather than Sombrero
function, but none of our tests use that option so they are all
Sombrero except for the holdout languages, Ada and OCaml, which still
have propagation issues. The reason why Andrew and I decided (sometime
much earlier in this release cycle) to change to the Sombrero function
for all pages of example 8 was we discovered that the function just
looks much better than the Rosenbrock function especially for the new
pages 5 and 10 of example 8.

>> ==> adathick, ada, and ocaml are our only language platforms that still have
>> propagation issues.
>>> - Test it on the MinGW platform. The only reason I have not yet done
>> so is that my installation of MinGW is busted (very curious behaviour of the 
>> make
>> utility). I will have to reinstall it. Sigh
>> Yes please on comprehensive testing on both the MinGW and Cygwin platforms.
>> Assuming all is well on those platforms, then scripts/comprehensive_test.sh 
>> should
>> take roughly two hours to run on either platform for Microsoft Windows.  (It 
>> only takes
>> an hour on Linux, but I make this two-hour estimate based on the assumption 
>> that
>> Microsoft Windows should be roughly the same speed as Linux, and your test 
>> laptop
>> is roughly a factor of two slower than my PC.)

> Once I have reinstalled it, that should not be a problem. Just a
matter of patience :). And nowadays I am fluent with setting
environment variables to the right values - in all shell environments
on Windows. Syntax differs - that is the main thing to keep in mind.

Thanks very much for your willingness to do those comprehensive tests,
and I look forward to seeing your results for those tests.

Alan W. Irwin

Astronomical research affiliation with Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Victoria (astrowww.phys.uvic.ca).

Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state
implementation for stellar interiors (freeeos.sf.net); the Time
Ephemerides project (timeephem.sf.net); PLplot scientific plotting
software package (plplot.sf.net); the libLASi project
(unifont.org/lasi); the Loads of Linux Links project (loll.sf.net);
and the Linux Brochure Project (lbproject.sf.net).

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