On 2015-04-03 18:39-0700 Greg Jung wrote:

>  My Linux system has only been around a short while, I've had to
> scrap the Linux portion of my 'puter a few times.  So my initial
> load-up didn't include the less-used items.  But its no problem to
> bring them in,
> especially those I can download directly.
> My previous tests did not include qt, qhull, shapelib, ada, java.

I have already commented on the measures you can take so that cmake
will find qhull, shapelib, and java.  To add to those remarks
concerning finding java, from your cmake.out it appears that the java
compiler could not be found.  So in addition to the possible
CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH and CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH manipulations I mentioned in
my last post, you likely have to install a development version of java
that includes a java to bytecode compiler such as gcj, and a bytecode
interpreter such as gij.

With regard to the remaining two components, Qt4, and Ada, it appears
our build system found them without trouble.

> Running comprehensive_tests.sh the first time resulted in full
> success, so that my screen was teeming with wxView windows which I cut
> short.  As I bring
> more elements to the mix, I presume the failures are triggering a quit
> in the script; i.e. it hasn't appeard complete even though my build
> may be as good or better than before.

Yes, comprehensive testing typically consists of loading up the
platform and setting environment variables so that all PLplot soft
dependencies are found, doing a comprehensive test to find out what
components of PLplot fail, noting those, and iterating until you have
a list of failing components and a successful complete run of the
script for everything that you did not disable.  If this is a platform
where we have no previous information about comprehensive testing
(SuSe is one of those), then probably all we will do this late in a
release cycle is note (in the Wiki) the components that fail for a
given platform.  Then hopefully after the release if you are
interested in expanding this comprehensive OpenSUSE test for the
benefit of all users of that platform, then one of us can advise you
component by component about what might be going wrong. I have
finished such a process for Debian stable and some time ago and
recently proved there were no regressions in that result, and I did
something similar recently for an epa_built version of PLplot on
Debian stable (and I plan to do a similar test of epa_built
plplot-lite on MinGW/MSYS/Wine.) Andrew has similar good comprehensive
testing results for Debian unstable and Ubuntu.  But it does sound
like OpenSUSE is not in as good shape.  For example, your ctest.out
file clearly shows that anything to do with qt segfaulted on OpenSUSE,
and that is really valuable information for every other OpenSUSE user
of plplot-5.11.0 which I plan to propagate to the wiki.

To make further progress, exclude qt (look in CMakeCache.txt for a
convenient variable to help you do that for every single different qt
device at once) and try running the comprehensive_tests.sh script
again. From your prior results, that run should go to completion of at
least the first (shared) part of the test (and maybe all three parts
of the test if you don't interrupt it) if your introduction of Ada to
the mix and the fixups I suggested for qhull, shapelib, and java for
finding those additional components do not trigger any additional
run-time issues.  But if one of those additional "found" components
fails, document what test failed, exclude it, and continue.

Sorry this is such a long painstaking process, but that is the nature
of the beast when there is no previous group experience with running
scripts/comprehensive_test.sh on the platform of interest (OpenSUSE in
this case).  I honestly thought comprehensive testing on an OpenSUSE
platform loaded up with _all_ PLplot soft dependencies would just sail
through since OpenSUSE is Linux after all, but those segfaults for qt
are a wake-up call that this is not always the case.

Alan W. Irwin

Astronomical research affiliation with Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Victoria (astrowww.phys.uvic.ca).

Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state
implementation for stellar interiors (freeeos.sf.net); the Time
Ephemerides project (timeephem.sf.net); PLplot scientific plotting
software package (plplot.sf.net); the libLASi project
(unifont.org/lasi); the Loads of Linux Links project (loll.sf.net);
and the Linux Brochure Project (lbproject.sf.net).

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