Hi Phil

Here's the fix I did for the linux wxwidgets driver bug


these are the comments I added in the code

// Modified from PLplot Copyright (C) 2015  Phil Rosenberg
// Changes:
// A non templated class derived from wxFrame
// Use of events by wxDECLARE_EVENT_TABLE()
// Explicit call to CreatePLplotstream() after Create()
//wx_PLplotFrame_stream *frame = new wx_PLplotFrame_stream();

one thing that caught my attention in your code was this way of handling 

WXWINDOW::Connect( wxEVT_SIZE, wxSizeEventHandler( 
wxPLplotwindow<WXWINDOW>::OnSize ) );

I usually do a static event table, in fact all the wxWidgets samples do the 
same, except
for some thread related code

but even using the static event table in your code, the bug still was there.
so the only way was to do an explicit call to


let me know if you have any questions

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Pedro Vicente" <pedro.vice...@space-research.org>
To: "Phil Rosenberg" <p.d.rosenb...@gmail.com>; 
Sent: Saturday, December 10, 2016 11:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Plplot-devel] wxPLplotDemo.cpp errors - FIXED , with 

> Hi Phil
> There is actually a very simple solution.
> Instead of figuring out why the OnCreate event is not triggered in some
> linux cases, you can explicitally call that code with some function.
> I did just that, like this, where
> frame->CreatePLplotstream();
> is a function that contains your code that is in OnCreate()
> this makes it needed to a user to call this extra function, but well, you
> can't win them all
> this code below makes a plot in Windows and Linux
> Note:
> I did my own class
> wx_PLplotFrame
> that is virtually identical to wxPLplotwindow, but not templated
> I'll put this code in github when I have a chance later
> bool wxAppPlot::OnInit()
> {
>  wx_PLplotFrame *frame = new wx_PLplotFrame();
>  frame->Create(NULL, wxID_ANY, wxT("wxPLplot"),
>    wxDefaultPosition,
>    wxSize(900, 700));
>  frame->CreatePLplotstream();
>  frame->Show();
>  wxPLplotstream* pls = frame->GetStream();
>  assert(pls);
>  PLFLT x[4] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
>  PLFLT y[4] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
>  pls->env(0, 5, 0, 5, 0, 0);
>  pls->line(4, x, y);
>  return true;
> }
> -Pedro
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Phil Rosenberg" <p.d.rosenb...@gmail.com>
> To: "Pedro Vicente" <pedro.vice...@space-research.org>;
> <plplot-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>
> Sent: Saturday, December 10, 2016 3:57 AM
> Subject: Re: [Plplot-devel] wxPLplotDemo.cpp errors
>> Hi Pedro
>> I have included the devel list on this email, so the thread will get
>> documented on the mailing list.
>> It is very strange that the OnCreate function is not being called. If
>> you are calling Create then you should be generating a create event.
>> Am I correct in saying that you are getting this segfault with the
>> unchanged demo app?
>> This location really is the best (and maybe only) place this
>> initialisation should be done. It cannot be included in the
>> constructor, because the generic nature of the template specification
>> means the code in the constructor does not know which type of wxWindow
>> we are inheriting from so cannot pass the correct parameters to the
>> constructor. By the time OnPaint is called it is really too late,
>> because we would like to already have the plot initialised and ready
>> to draw and it would be a real pain for you in your code if you had to
>> somehow wait for the first paint or resize event.
>> I do have access to a CentOS machine at work, although I think I have
>> only got access to wxWidgets 2.8 on that system. I will check. I may
>> be able to build 3.1 from source. I presume you are using 3.1.0 as
>> released in February, rather than the head of the master branch?
>> On 10 December 2016 at 07:52, Pedro Vicente
>> <pedro.vice...@space-research.org> wrote:
>>> Hi Phil
>>> My idea for a fix is to move the stream initialization that is now  on
>>> void wxPLplotwindow<WXWINDOW>::OnCreate( wxWindowCreateEvent &event
>>> {
>>> if ( !m_created )
>>> either to the OnSize or onPaint events
>>> void wxPLplotwindow<WXWINDOW>::OnSize( wxSizeEvent& WXUNUSED( event ) )
>>> and also in the plot call do this
>>> template< class WXWINDOW >
>>> void Plot( wxPLplotwindow<WXWINDOW> *plotwindow )
>>> {
>>>    wxPLplotstream* pls = plotwindow->GetStream();
>>>    if (pls == NULL)
>>>    {
>>>      return;
>>>    }
>>> Like this , in this sequence
>>> wxPLplotwindow<wxFrame> *frame = new wxPLplotwindow<wxFrame>();
>>>    frame->Create( NULL, wxID_ANY, wxT( "wxPLplotDemo" ) );
>>>    frame->SetIcon( wxIcon( graph ) );
>>>    frame->Show();
>>>    Plot( frame );
>>> first we go to
>>> Plot( frame );
>>> but the stream is NULL because
>>> :OnCreate
>>> was not called, but the function returns, avoiding the seg fault
>>> then the window gets a paint or size event, and the stream 
>>> initialization
>>> code is called
>>> at this time I have a PLplot empty black window
>>> but because
>>> Plot( frame );
>>> was only called at start, it is not called again, so there is no draw
>>> any ideas here ?
>>> of course making the Plot() call in another app function should work
>>> If you could replicate this issue, that would be great.
>>> I am using CentOS 6.8, PLplot.5.11.1 , wxWidgets 3.1.0
>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: Pedro Vicente
>>> To: plplot-devel@lists.sourceforge.net ; Phil Rosenberg
>>> Sent: Saturday, December 10, 2016 12:59 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [Plplot-devel] wxPLplotDemo.cpp errors
>>> Hi Phil
>>> So, the issue seems to be the same that I have been reporting
>>> In the wxPLplotDemo.cpp code you have these callling functions
>>> wxPLplotwindow<wxFrame> *frame = new wxPlDemoFrame();
>>> frame->Create( NULL, wxID_ANY, wxT( "wxPLplotDemo" ) );
>>> that make 2 calls to the PLplot library, or the wxWidgets driver of it
>>> all these calls are in the header file wxPLplotwindow.h
>>> first the constructor is called
>>> template<class WXWINDOW>
>>> wxPLplotwindow<WXWINDOW>::wxPLplotwindow( bool useGraphicsContext, 
>>> wxSize
>>> clientSize )
>>>    : m_created( false ), m_initialSize( clientSize )
>>> then this call OnCreate() is called, like you mentioned
>>> and the !m_created bool makes the initialization of the stream happen
>>> the problem is  that this function id *NOT* called on my linux build (it
>>> is
>>> on the Windows build)
>>> so therefore later
>>> wxPLplotstream* pls = plotwindow->GetStream();
>>> this is NULL, so therefore it seg faults on the plot calls
>>> //! This is called when the widow is created i.e. after WXWINDOW::Create
>>> // has been called. We note that this has been called to avoid 
>>> attempting
>>> // to redraw a plot on a window that hasn't been created yet.
>>> template<class WXWINDOW>
>>> void wxPLplotwindow<WXWINDOW>::OnCreate( wxWindowCreateEvent &event )
>>> {
>>> if ( !m_created )
>>> so, one quick try is to put the code of
>>> void wxPLplotwindow<WXWINDOW>::OnCreate
>>> that is not called on the constructor maybe ?
>>> -Pedro
>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: Pedro Vicente
>>> To: plplot-devel@lists.sourceforge.net ; Phil Rosenberg
>>> Sent: Friday, December 09, 2016 11:57 PM
>>> Subject: [Plplot-devel] wxPLplotDemo.cpp errors
>>> Hi Phil
>>> So, resuming the last thread about wxWidgets, what I did was to build 
>>> and
>>> run wxPLplotDemo.cpp from PLpplot 5.11.1 on CentOS 6.8
>>> all builds fine, but when I do run , I get a seg fault
>>> [pedro.vicente@rhw9121 c++]$ cd
>>> /data/home002/pvicente/plplot/build/examples/c++
>>> [pedro.vicente@rhw9121 c++]$ ./wxPLplotDemo
>>> Segmentation fault
>>> I know that only this information is not much help to you to debug, but
>>> in
>>> the next couple of days I'll be debugging this and posting here any
>>> solution.
>>> my cmake call was
>>> cmake ..  -G "Unix Makefiles" -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=OFF
>>> -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/data/data127/pvicente/install/plplot-5.11.1d
>>> -DwxWidgets_ROOT_DIR:PATH=/data/data127/pvicente/install/wxwidgets-3.1.0
>>> -DwxWidgets_LIB_DIR:PATH=/data/data127/pvicente/install/wxwidgets-3.1.0/lib
>>> the output of
>>> cmake
>>> and
>>> make
>>> are attached
>>> -Pedro
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