On 2016-12-14 11:47-0500 Pedro Vicente wrote:

> Hi Phil
> I am using the attached qt project file on my CentOS 6.8 build, adapted to 
> build
> examples/c++/wxPLplotDemo.cpp
> to use, place the file in
> examples/c++
> just change these lines for your own case
> dir_inc_plplot = /data/home002/pvicente/plplot-plplot-install/include/plplot
> dir_lib_plplot = /data/home002/pvicente/plplot-plplot-install/lib
> dir_inc_wx = /data/data127/pvicente/install/wxwidgets-3.1.0d/include/wx-3.1
> dir_inc_wx_setup = 
> /data/data127/pvicente/install/wxwidgets-3.1.0d/lib/wx/include/gtk2-unicode-static-3.1
> dir_lib_wx = /data/data127/pvicente/install/wxwidgets-3.1.0d/lib
> in QtCreator change in Projects/Run, disable the  the "Run in Terminal"
> this is the stack on the window creation as shown in QtCreator
> 0     wxWindow::PostCreation  window.cpp      2753    0x4d9ea4
> 1     wxTopLevelWindowGTK::Create     toplevel.cpp    674     0x4cdb79
> 2     wxFrame::Create frame.cpp       48      0x4e672b
> 3     MyApp::OnInit   wxPLplotDemo.cpp        148     0x4259d8
> 4     wxAppConsoleBase::CallOnInit    app.h   93      0x426c23
> 5     wxEntry init.cpp        487     0x6bf36d
> 6     wxEntry init.cpp        515     0x6bf475
> 7     main    wxPLplotDemo.cpp        131     0x4258a4
> As opposed to the wxWidgets Windows build, that uses the WIN32 API, for linux 
> it's a totally different API (GTK),
> so the issue may be a wxWidgets GTK code thing

Hi Pedro:

Just to interject here, my impression of this thread is you have
mostly been discussing issues with your own software, but now it
appears you finding issues with the git version of wxPLplotDemo rather
than your own software.  Can you confirm that is the case for
unmodified PLplot from the tip of the git master branch?  Because if
so, that would be quite interesting because here on Debian Jessie with
the GTK+ version of wxwidgets-3.0.2 installed, when I build the
test_wxPLplotDemo target, the wxPLplotDemo GUI builds and runs with
absolutely no issues.

If you really do have some build or run-time issue there with
wxPLplotDemo for _unmodified_ PLplot, then my advice is to submit a proper bug 
report to
us with complete cmake output from an initially empty build tree captured in 
the usual way, i.e.,

cmake <your usual cmake options> <path to PLplot source tree> >& cmake.out

_where those options include using the "Unix Makefiles" generator_.  Then

make VERBOSE=1 test_wxPLplotDemo >& test_wxPLplotDemo.out

and submit both cmake.out and test_wxPLplotDemo.out here.

It may be that your issue is simply that the PLplot wxwidgets-related
code is not compatible with the GTK+ version of wxwidgets you have
installed on your Linux platforms, i.e., your GTK+ version of
wxwidgets may be too old (which we can see from your cmake.out file)
or too new.  In the latter case I assume iPhil will eventually be able to
replicate your issue with that same GTK+ version of wxwidgets and then
fix whatever that incompatibility is.

Alan W. Irwin

Astronomical research affiliation with Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Victoria (astrowww.phys.uvic.ca).

Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state
implementation for stellar interiors (freeeos.sf.net); the Time
Ephemerides project (timeephem.sf.net); PLplot scientific plotting
software package (plplot.sf.net); the libLASi project
(unifont.org/lasi); the Loads of Linux Links project (loll.sf.net);
and the Linux Brochure Project (lbproject.sf.net).

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