> Well, I'm not sure I understand what you mean with "accesskey
> attribute." Can you please provide some more info and/or examples?

Sure, the HTML 4 Specification
includes an attribute called accesskey for several tags (a, area,
button, input, label, legend, and textarea).  The accesskey attribute
takes a single character as a value.  When this character is pressed (IE
and Mozilla require ALT + CHAR), the browser will give focus to textbox,
follow the link, check the box, select the radio button, etc. depending
on what type of item the accesskey represents.

I've prepared a little demo page to illustrate them:

I also give some examples on how this could be handy in plucker ebooks

Applying the accesskey idea in a more general sense, perhaps a user c
        ould be allowed to assign an accesskey to a bookmark on
creation.  A har
        dware button option could be to return to last bookmarked
passage.  I kn

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