On Sat, Nov 16, 2002, Dave wrote:
> The accesskey attribute takes a single character as a value.  When
> this character is pressed (IE and Mozilla require ALT + CHAR), the
> browser will give focus to textbox, follow the link, check the box,
> select the radio button, etc.

Well, including the accesskey in the Plucker document should be quite
easy (a new function code.) However, I can see two immediate problems,

- how should the accesskey be entered on the Palm without interfering
  with the gesture actions?

- only the accesskeys in the parsed content will be available (the
  viewer only parse the whole page the first time; to speed up the 
  rendering it will only parse the visible paragraphs the next time
  you visit the page). That could probably be solved by "storing"
  the accesskeys in the meta database, though.

Any suggestions on how to enter the accesskeys?


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