> Well, if support was added for the javascript version that Robert
> mentioned then it wouldn't be such a big deal to support pods, too.

        And let's not forget, parsing Javascript doesn't mean adding a
parser, like HTML (though, for small history.back() stuff, we could do easy
regex/pattern matching). Actually dealing with Javascript requires that we
_execute_ Javascript, not parse it, and adding a Javascript execution engine
to Plucker is a HUGE waste of time, IMHO, and I'm sure Mike agrees. =)

> Can't say I understand the benefit of using these "history back" links,
> though; when you create a site you usually know what page it should go
> back to, so why not use that link from the very beginning?

        We are in full agreement here. Lots of eye-candy for very little
benefit overall. I submit that the Onion website, or any other site using
the pods:// style linking, is geared to be driven by a very specific
(AvantGo) client application, and we shouldn't be trying to replicate that.
We should instead try to educate these content providers, and show them that
using industry standards and practices is the best way to reach their


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