At 02:37 PM 11/20/2002  +0000, Robert O'Connor wrote:
> Therefore, it was put forward, to include exclusions
> >as numbered keys,
> >using the existing method of an exclusion list entry. For example:
> >exclusion_item1=0:-:.*\.mp3$
> >exclusion_item2=0:-:http://.**
> >The parser would then loop through a section, looking to see if there was
> >the next incremented
> >number of key, and if so, add that exclusion to the active exclusions.
> This raises an issue of interfaces. Certainly we could move exclusions to
> Plucker.INI, but for much of my parser testing (like when I was adding
> --stayondomain) I ran Plucker from the command line without a corresponding
> INI channel. Doing that, I can load exclusion lists from the
> command-line. So I certainly wouldn't want to completely deprecate
> exclusion files.

Absolutely. Would always continue the existing support for dedicated exclusion lists, for both
compatibility and because it is helpful.

> On the other hand, I also agree that all channel-specific configuration
> data should go in a single place, and the INI file is a good contender for
> that.
> But either way, that's not in the Parser nor would Desktop see them or save
> exclusions there itself, so there's not much point in doing it in PlkrData
> right now. The exclusion list has GOT to wind up in a file on the other
> side. So packaging it as an encoded blob is probably faster than
> enumerating through a series of keys.

Probably a exclusion INI entry would have easier maintainabilty vis-a-vis a blob of binary
Yes, there would be a few lines added to the Python parser in the file to add
the entries to the exclusions. The Desktop would read/write to the INI instead of a
exclusionlist for that channel.

As a general strategy, one could define:

m = re.match (r"([-+]?\d+):([-+]):(.*)", line)
if not m:
error ("ExclusionList: Cannot parse line: %s\n" % orig_line)
prio = int ( (1))
action = (2) == '+'
regexp = (3)
new_item = (action, regexp)
if self._items.has_key (prio):
self._items[prio].append (new_item)
self._items[prio] = [new_item]

by taking the above out of the load_file, calling it parse_exclusion_entry(), and then write a
new entry that loops the keynames from the config. So it would be

def load_file(self,filename)
...(existing loop of number of lines in file)
line = (the existing strip of the /n)

def load_exclusion_entries_from_ini(self)
<loop increase name of key>
line = read ini to get line

Best wishes,
Okay, is this a proposal or merely a discussion? I ask because if the former, what I'd like to do is have PlkrData move the exclusion from whichever source (INI or file) it is on the source, to the INI on the destination. But that will require users upgrade to the newest Plucker Desktop (i.e. current + 1), which would include not just INI exclusion editing support in the dialogs but also a new parser prior to the normal (slower) release schedule.

Make sense?

-Tony McNamara-

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