> I don't know if I can get the sample code license changed to be more
> open, but I'll try.  The "object-only" part doesn't seem very logical to
> me.  Stuff like this really should have a BSD or MPL license, IMO. --
> Ben Combee Techwood Broadcasting Foundation, Austin Bureau Chief

        What's even more confusing, is that Palm themselves, contracted
one of the core Plucker developers, to get their new devices working
specifically with Plucker, for them, internally, as I understand it.

        Why they would want to orphan off their own devices now, by not
providing a way for developers to include the code necessary to add that
support, seems contradictory.

        Then again, it seems like a lot of counterintuitive decisions are
being made internally at Palm and partners these days. Only time will
tell, I guess.


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