What's even more confusing, is that Palm themselves, contracted
one of the core Plucker developers, to get their new devices working
specifically with Plucker, for them, internally, as I understand it.

Palm, PalmOne, or PalmSource? Remember, Palm doesn't exist anymore.

        Why they would want to orphan off their own devices now, by not
providing a way for developers to include the code necessary to add that
support, seems contradictory.

The sample code license is pretty old, and I don't think it has ever been GPL-compatible. I just sent off a email to my contacts in DTS to try to raise the issue and I think I made a few good arguments, but we'll see if they take hold. Hopefully, with PalmSource using a bunch of open-source software in their developer suite, they'll feel more charitable towards open-source developers.
Ben Combee
Techwood Broadcasting Foundation, Austin Bureau Chief

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