> Palm, PalmOne, or PalmSource?  Remember, Palm doesn't exist anymore.

        I believe this was Palm, Inc. prior to the split to Palmsource and
merger to Handspring.

> The sample code license is pretty old, and I don't think it has ever
> been GPL-compatible.

        I can't believe we're the only ones to raise this issue. Rumor has
it that the slip libs are no longer needed in OS6, but I can't confirm
that yet. I still need to hack up wine a bit more to get the Cobalt sim to
run properly (the others run well, including the TapWave one even _with_

> Hopefully, with PalmSource using a bunch of open-source software in
> their developer suite, they'll feel more charitable towards open-source
> developers.

        While I recognize that sentiment, and know that there are several
people within the companies involved who support Open Source, I don't
think I can share the optimism. Every time I (or anyone else) brings those
two words up or mentions the "L" word in conferences or in email on the
various lists, we either get no responses, or the collective "piss off"
from those replying. It seems to be the "Company Line" to intentionally
avoid and ignore us. I'm not clear why though, given that they're making
an enormous amount of revenue based solely on our free contributions to
the community (as are many hundreds of other PalmOS developers).

        Maybe you're right, and things will change, given that one large
portion of their merged company investment (Handspring) is a VERY strong
supporter of Free Software and Open Source.

        Thanks for poking this issue into the right places in DTS for us.


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