On Thu, 19 Feb 2004, Ben Combee wrote:
> The sample code license is pretty old, and I don't think it has ever been 
> GPL-compatible.  I just sent off a email to my contacts in DTS to try to 
> raise the issue and I think I made a few good arguments, but we'll see if 
> they take hold.  Hopefully, with PalmSource using a bunch of open-source 
> software in their developer suite, they'll feel more charitable towards 
> open-source developers.

Thanks.  For the record, the other GPL program that would like to use the
code is PalmBible+.  (Currently it is using the code, but I hope that next
release it won't unless the code gets re-licensed.  There is older,
probably buggier, DIA support code that PB+ used to have and can revert

Also, I guess, it's a simple bit of code and a clean-room rewrite would
not be hard.


Dr. Alexander R. Pruss  || e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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       - Paul of Worczyn (1424)

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