From what I've read, when SSD reaches its EOL, it simply becomes read-only. From there, you just copy the data to a new drive and continue on your merry way. Don't know how true that is though and it surely doesn't apply to any type of real failure, just EOL caused by max writes. SSD is still prohibitively expensive as far as I'm concerned, at least if you want to store any serious quantity of information. I know there was a lot of noise being made about SSD recovery not too long ago, but unfortunately I didn't really keep up on that.


Charles Jones wrote:
It will be nice when SSD prices come down (and capacity goes up).  No 
more mechanical failures, then just have to worry about when the flash 
wears out. Still a downside in that even if a mechanical drive fails, 
you can sometimes still get the data back by swapping the logic board or 
having a professional data recovery service get the data off the 
platters. If an SSD drive fails it's probably hard to find a specialist 
with the equipment for munging data from the flash.

Joe Fleming wrote:
Yeah, booting from RAID has always been a little tricky. I actually boot
from a different 80GB drive and run the 4 drives off their own SATA
controller. So, the system is up, I just need to get the array back up
so I can (hopefully) continue copying the data off the array.

If anyone cares, I'm using the Promise TX4 card, just straight up SATA,
no fakeraid or anything like that. It's an old box with only PCI.... the
card has and continues to work flawlessly.

One day I'll build a REAL RAID machine. This one was working fine for a
while, and probably would have continued to do so if the damn drives
would stop failing!


Stephen wrote:
Linux raid is ok, but it does not recover well if it is invovled with
your boot partition. in our storage server we are useing a 2 port raid
card and then 6 onboard ports with linux mraid.


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