Am 24. Jul, 2010 schwätzte Bryan O'Neal so:

I agree with Alex but this just follows logical design of separation.
You dev, qa, prod, ha, and dr environments should be separated and
used for those set purposes. Unfortunately I also know that if this
most elementary step has not been take it is usually due to a lack of
required resources not simple oversight. But even if you do that
should not replace the monitoring scripts or, as you mentioned, the
commitment to repeatable and documented automated operations.

Yeah, monitoring and auditing are going in everywhere. We're also
automating everything on the sysadmin side. Getting dev to do that is more
complex, but will be happening.

BTW Alex if all you want to do is verify you are in sync you can do a
checksum on the tables in both servers. If they are in sync the
checksums will match - again, great automated monitoring check.

What verifying myisam and innodb copies of the same data are exactly the
same? Actually, I want something that will diff them and apply the diff to
the innodb side.

I'm needing to convert a very busy production myisam table that is
somewhat humongous to innodb and the conversion takes longer than the
maintenance windows.

For testing, I did a cp of the data files, copied them to a different
machine and did the conversion. I now need to quickly determine what's
missing and copy it over. If rows don't change, then it's just a matter of
select * from orig where index_id > ( select max(index_id) from copy ).

Not sure what to do if rows get changed.


#  Director of Engineering, FonWallet Transaction Solutions, Inc.
#  Science is magic explained. - der.hans
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