Am 24. Jul, 2010 schwätzte Bryan O'Neal so:

Sadly Number of physical boxes is usually not the issue with resource
bottle neck; it is that you are always running close to capacity and
can not convince anyone to purchase more equipment because things are
running fine. Double the number of fsyncs on a box and then you get a

Luckily, we can get equipment if we need it, within reason. This will be
especially so if I can reduce the number of boxen required for our product

complaint that everything runs too slow and it must have been
something you did so undo it  :(
With checksum - I am more then willing to admit I have not done any
production MySQL work in a while but I remember that it could be done
live. Also indicated in the manual.

Ah, I was thinking you meant a checksum on the files, I will have to
investigate the internal checksum. Would be great to be able to use it for
auditing. Indeed, checksums in the logs with monitoring might be able to
handle the detecting corruption issues Alex brought up.


#  Director of Engineering, FonWallet Transaction Solutions, Inc.
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