On Thu, Apr 2, 2015 at 12:48 AM, Roberto Verzola <rverz...@gn.apc.org> wrote:
> So the software we need has to do something like this:
> - download the PDF or CSV Luzon file from WESM every 3-5 mins after the
>   hour
> - add the target megawatts as a red horizontal line
> - generate the jpeg/png graph.
> - upload to server for mirroring/download by everyone else.
> PS. A peaceful Holy Week to you Mr. fooler! Maybe your extraordinary
> programming expertise can help in this activity.

ok here is a bash script (also file attached) to make your holy week
more peaceful...

you need the following:

1) yum -y install curl
2) yum -y install gnuplot

$ cat -n wesm.sh
     1  #!/bin/bash
     3  #Target in MegaWatts
     4  TARGET=4500
     6  DATE=`date +%Y%m%d`
     7  HOUR=`date +%H`
     8  DATETITLE=`date +"%b %d, %Y"`
     9  CSVFILE=$DATE$HOUR.csv
    10  PNGFILE=$DATE$HOUR.png
    12  curl -s
| head -n 25 | tail -n 24 | awk -F ',' -v OFS=', ' -v "target=$TARGET"
'{print $1,target,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7}' > $CSVFILE
    14  gnuplot << EOF
    15  set output "$PNGFILE"
    16  set terminal png nocrop font small size 640,480
    17  set xtics 1
    18  set key outside center bottom Left reverse
    19  set style data linespoints
    20  set title "Luzon Market Demand (MW) - $DATETITLE"
    21  set xlabel "HOURS"
    22  set ylabel "MEGAWATT"
    23  plot "$CSVFILE" using 1:2 title 'Target', "$CSVFILE" using 1:3
title 'Day Ahead Projection (DAP)', "$CSVFILE" using 1:4 title 'Hour
Ahead Projection (RTD)', "$CSVFILE" using 1:5 title 'Current Demand
    24  EOF

at line 4, change the TARGET to whatever megawatt your desired value....

at line 12, is the one fetching and reformatting the output and
inserted the "TARGET" value at column 2 for gnuplot to be able to
understand the format...

at line 14, gnuplot is the one creating the graph....

when you run that command.. it will create two files:



YYYY - year in 4 digits
MM - month in 2 digits
DD - day in 2 digits
HH - hour in 2 digits

change the file permission to executable (eg. chmod 700 wesm.sh) and
then run (eg. ./wesm.sh)

if you run on the next hour... it will create another set of two files
because of line 6 and 7...

if you want to automate the fetching... put it in cron job...


5 * * * * /path/to/wesm.sh

the above line it will fetch 5 minutes after an hour...

make sure you set your PATH and default folder properly in your cron
job to run curl and gnuplot properly or modify the script to have an
absolute path...

feel free to modify the script to suit your needs and  feel free to
asks questions if you need further help as im pretty sure our experts
here in plug will be happy to assist you...


Attachment: wesm.sh
Description: Bourne shell script

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