On Tue, 2009-11-17 at 22:43 -0800, Aaron wrote:
> Michael:
> This is off topic.
> For being a God fearing man you are pretty negative. Cheer up lado!  As an
> atheist I have to say:  live and be happy already!  and..who cares anyway?
> So what if it's down...do some studying. Get a coffee.. Work on your goals.
> /shrug
> Moving along. :D
> Aaron

I'm not off topic and I am not particularly negative just because I
said that I don't understand the planning, which I don't.  How many 
CS majors is PSU turning out and of those how many would be able to 
do significant work on the Linux kernel or write Linux software, what
I want to do eventually?  

There is a lot of theoretical stuff that in my opinion is not being
taught well at PSU.  Not all of the professors are problematic, 
just some.  Specifically in the area of discrete math, the teaching
has a lot to be desired IMHO.

--- Now about the atheist comment, I'll take a shot at it ---

The real pessimist is the atheist for not believing that there 
is a benelovent God, creator of everything, who keeps it in 
existence.  The atheist has nothing to believe in, so I really
pity him/her.  Man's fallen nature doesn't generally lead him/her
to be happy.  The atheist cannot prove that God isn't the source
of human compassion and human love, but this is essentially what
an Atheist believes.

Without God, there aren't any human rights nor does Man have any
purpose whatsoever.  Man has no solid reason, being created by
God for example, to respect his body if he/she is an atheist.
I suppose if you don't respect your body there are consequences, 
but people still smoke various things, drink excessively, abuse 
stronger drugs, etcetera.  Man needs a strong reason to respect
himself and that reason is the existence of God.

Where does happiness come from Mr. Atheist?  You don't know because
you don't believe in a supreme being.  

Caffeine is a drug I'd prefer not to be addicted to, so I'll pass 
on drinking coffee thank you very much.

---- Now I'll go for a while on PSU ----

Unfortunately, poor teaching is a real barrier to success.  I also get
tired of the lack of values I see in people on campus which can become 
a distraction.  The willingness of some people to use pot for example 
as if it were just an herb when in fact it is a mind altering drug
really bugs me.  There's nothing like watching a man roll a marijuana
cigarette in class.

I question how solid the CS program is at PSU and I'd like to be 
around a different class of people where I thought I would be at 
the Junior/Senior level.  Instead, I see a lot of people abusing 
drugs including cigarettes and many of my colleagues are pessimistic.
PSU's smoking shelters actually encourage smoking, talk about 
increasing your carbon footprint and putting other pollutants 
in the air.

---- I'll talk a little about everything I've talked about now ----

It doesn't help that the plug-talk list, which seemingly could be 
an outlet, isn't because noone on it who comments shares my values.
Indeed, I may have harmed myself going after some of the issues I 
did on plug-talk and indeed it may come back to haunt me by causing
someone important to think I am confrontational.  

I'm thinking of Pascal right now who invented much of the science 
that people who are atheists say obviates the need for God.  Pascal
believed in God till the day he died despite his contribution to
science.  Some young man apparently tried to tell him during a 
train ride that scientific discoveries he had made obviated the 
need for God.

Pot abuse is becoming an epidemic and it is going to have to be
addressed at some point or there will be a lot of zoned out people.
I wish I wasn't around it.  I want to be around people who are 
clear and like minded who are also positive.  They are hard to find
though at PSU.

Portland State's computer science program needs to improve considerably.
The lack of help added to the difficulty level of the courses is a
systemic problem that needs addressing.  Sometimes, I think there is
a stronger focus on diversity and multiculturalism than there is on
people getting through their programs of study.  Why is Portland
State predominantly populated by foreigners?  Maybe it's just computer
science that is like this.  I'd like to see more Oregonians in my
classes and fewer Chinese, Japanese, etc.  No offense to foreigners, 
but I'm not from their neck of the woods.  How can I relate to them,
especially when they speak in a language I don't know?  Frankly, they
should be taken aside and politely told to speak English when they 
don't in my opinion.  If I were in their country, I'd have to speak 
the local language.  It is called basic respect for your host.  PSU
can be so alien, I often feel that I'm alone on campus.  Being alone
while pursuing a difficult major is not a good thing.

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