On Apr 2, 2012, at 12:32 PM, Mike Connors wrote:

> But if the first ip packets from Rich's computer go out eth0, they will
> never make in to the WAP DHSP server and be redirected to the captive
> portal. It's possible, depending on how the captive portal works and how
> it's configured that a call to an internal DNS server doesn't need to
> happen.

However, the wlan0 interface IS getting a response from the DHCP server, or it 
would not have an IP address. 

Nothing would be going out eth0, since it's not connected to anything, and, as 
per Rich's message, it's not in a running state. As I recall, the IPs Rich 
reported are in two different subnets, so, in theory, the IP stack should try 
both routes, if there are two routes in the routing table. 

Rich has also stated the host name (not the IP address) of the captive portal 
T&C page. This would require at least one call to some DNS server, to give the 
network stack someplace to go. 

My theory is that something is not setting the resolv.conf properly. This could 
be caused by a race condition. As I recall, Rich has a resolv.conf that gets 
swapped in by rc.local. If the network finishes configuring prior to rc.local 
running, then it's possible that rc.local is overwriting the DHCP configured 
resolv.conf. Then, once DNS is broken, everything appears broken. 

Then again, I might be all wet. 

Russell Johnson

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