On Mon, 2 Apr 2012, Russell Johnson wrote:

> Nothing would be going out eth0, since it's not connected to anything,
> and, as per Rich's message, it's not in a running state. As I recall, the
> IPs Rich reported are in two different subnets, so, in theory, the IP
> stack should try both routes, if there are two routes in the routing
> table.

   Running 'ifconfig -a' showed routes for both eth0 and wlan0, but only the
latter was RUNNING. So, as root, I ran 'ifconfig eth0 down' to remove the
routes and ... voila! That was the problem.

   I've run linux on the previous 6 portables and did not have this issue
with any of them, including my older Sony Vaio. But, this new Sony Vaio does
have this issue.

   Now, what I'd like from you networking gurus is a script I can put in
rc.local to test if wlan0 is RUNNING. And, if it is, to take down eth0. This
way eth0 is taken out of the stack when the system boots and dhcpcd sees a
WAP, but otherwise it is turned on and RUNNING to use the attached cable.

   Such a script is needed for the Sony's user because it requires no
knowledge or skill to properly set up the networking interfaces.

Thanks very much to all of you,


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