On Mon, Nov 30, 2015 at 09:29:19AM -0800, Ronald Chmara wrote:
> The older init systems have had a bunch of problems, and workarounds, built
> into them over the years.
> A newer init system attempted to solve a bunch of problems, and in doing
> so, broke with established conventions, so it both fixed stuff, and broke
> stuff.
The systemd init system is the, IMAO, sensible part of it.
The systemd handling of messages from services, what we used to get from log 
is what, IMEO, what drives me batty. Message review, retrieval, filtering are 
again IMAO, needlessly complex and fiddly. 

All of the above may be curable by my spending more time with systemd. For 
who combined tail, grep, and other tools to review and analyze log files the  
system is painful. Again, exposure time to it may provide the cure. 

      Michael Rasmussen, Portland Oregon  
    Be Appropriate && Follow Your Curiosity
I measure journeys in sticky buns - fat, lurid, sticky buns.
    ~ Cross country bike tourist Leo Woodland
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