On Thu, 2 Mar 2017, Chuck Hast wrote:

> I had I think it was linkdin got idiot for a bit this morning but it came
> back. I am doing job hunting, and was seeing those weird screens there for
> a while. It is bad enough dealing with Hughesnet that can not seem to get
> links to some sites that I am trying to reach, I have a wait a bit and
> THEN I can get there. I hope to soon find a job, and get moved to some
> place where we do not have to live with Hughesnet, whattapieaceofcrap...


   It's encouraging to read that I can expect things to clear up here, too.
What puzzles me is why I see issues on the desktop running
Slackware-14.1/32-bit but not on a laptop running Slackware-14.2/64-bit.
Both running the same version of firefox.

   Does Longview have coffee shops or a library with free WiFi access that
gives you better connections?

   Having been in the job market more than a few times many years ago I
understand your frustration and wish you the best in quickly finding a new


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